How does ICT and technology impact on your learning (and teaching)?

Consider how you learn at St Andrews….

Think about the ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) that you use to support your learning journey and inquiry?

How does using technology impact your learning (and teaching)?

Yr 4 -6  wallwisher 

Yr 5 A created their own wallwisher. This is what they thought  Yr 5A wallwisher.

Or post your comment below (don’t forget to just use your 1st name).

My (Reading) Shelf

Stanley in a bookcase

Choose a question (or two) to respond to…

Q: What is your favourite place to read?

Q: What are you currently reading?

Q Do you have any favourite authors?

Q Is there an author you would like the meet and why?

Q Where are most of the books in your home?

Q Which book will you take on your next holiday?

Q What was the last book you bought for someone else (or the last book you recommend someone buy)?

Q Name: 3 of your most memorable reads

Q Can you remember your favourite book when you were younger?

Write your response on the wallwisher below or reply to this post